Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day Two

First and foremost, I would like to say, who slept in a closet last night other than me.

Not a bad set up if I do say so myself.  Now I know what it would have been like to live in New York

We are  hanging out at the end of a pretty good day.  Holden has officially learned to breast feed, so that is a huge relief.  Both sets of her grandparents came by today and gave me the chance to run home and shower and show Chase (our lab) one of Holden's first hats with her smell on it.  He had no idea what I was trying to do, neither did I, so hopefully it worked.

Again, I want to throw out thank you's to both sets of rents for all the support.  It has been amazing having all kinds of helping hands.  Alex made progress towards the fun road of recovery and has been getting up and about all day, which may help us make our way home tomorrow.  I officially changed my first pee filled diaper with moderate bumps, but I definitely nailed the first poopy diaper change.  The first of many to come, which is what I can only assume is most people's favorite part.

Holden also started getting to meet some of her more "extended family" today, which she may not remember, but it is okay we got some photos to remind her along the way.

Strieby came by first and though he claims he has not held a baby in a while, he seemed pretty natural

Sean was next, despite the photo he did not actually get pooped on or drop Holden.  At least that we saw.

 Then Mike brought some of the girls to come see the little ones, we made sure to let the nurse know she would be guaranteed to see Whitney again before the next Tuesday.
Just a few of the many photos to come of all of our friends holdin' Holden.  Thanks again to everyone who came by today and the people who wished they could have.  And maybe to the couple of family members who have already booked trips to come out and see her.  It really means a lot to all three of us!

Though I should definitely let all of you know, I have had a lot of free time in the hospital so I will probably not get to post daily updates everyday.  I cannot shake that most employers would not want to be paying for a part time blog manager.

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